*Le Bourget 93 1/09 & 1/10*

Opérateur: Jean-Michel Lefebvre ©
: June 1993
: Windows Media Player got from 8mm video cassette recorded with Sony CCD V-700E and digitalized through SONY DCR-TR7000E.
: Press day flight demos.
: Paris-Le Bourget Airport


Subject having to change here every month without changing the names video000 for folder, 00edito for Edito page, 00edito for Edito picture and vid01 & vid02 for videos, this to avoid any "page unknown" return from search engines data bases, if you want to collect the clips you have to immediately rename vid01 & 02 after downloading according the following criteria: LBG91, LBG93 or LBG95 for airshow and its year, 1 to x as cassette number for a given LBG show, 01 to xx for the clips of the given tape: this giving something like LBG91_1_18 or LBG93_5_02. So you prevent every casualties... Number of cassettes is 6 for 1991, 6 also for 1993 and 4, I believe, for 1995; in general they have a 90 minutes duration and just a very few are HI-8. Because several months being necessary to put on line just one cassette I envisage to alternate the year of each one every 4 months, this to vary a little your pleasure and give you quickly an idea of these three Paris Airshows...

In another way, you just find now inside the " Super Mystère Video Clips " site at the previous clips and storage has to continue until reaching the one gigabyte room alloted by Free provider, then the latest sweep the oldest to permanently have clips of the last eight or ten months.


Rien de bien extraordinaire pour ces deux videos continuant Le Bourget 1993 à part les incessantes rafales de vent déstabilisant sérieusement les prises de vues; et puis aussi quelques va-et-vient lancinants d'un Transall de l'Aremée de l'Air arrivant ou partant de la plate-forme avec un train sorti ne se verouillant pas ou refusant de s'escamoter... J'avais appris le lendemain qu'il était finalement parti se poser à Orléans-Bricy pour ne pas avoir à causer les grosses perturbations provoquées quelques salons auparavant par le C.160 de démonstration de MBB atterrissant train rentré dans le feu de l'action !!!

Bonne reprise à la majorité d'entre vous puisque le temps des vacances s'achève et vous devrez attendre le 1er octobre pour pouvoir vous plonger à nouveau dans le reportage photographique mensuel d'AFR.

Jean-Michel J. Lefebvre



Immediately rename vid01.wmv in LBG93_1_09.wmv and vid02.wmv in LBG93_1_10.wmv if you want to collect them and so prevent any loss of older items. The "no contents" continues to let you the pleasure to identify by yourself the planes appearing during videos. Good quizz...