Editorial This is now the fourth prototype of the Gazette and second of three issues devoted to Flotille 25 F Neptunes ( See Edito of Gazette N°03 ) All Black... and white... this series surely is interesting for modellers and people who flew and maintained the type in various Navies all over the world. Having not my notes with me and being not quite very interested by what was inside the aircraft in matter of avionics and armament, I think that specialised people having flown Neptunes, for the benefit of everyone, might give their comments from picture 01 to 23 in posts through our two aviation and military binaries groups. In advance I thank them very much for their authoritative contributions. More generally, having no reactions to captions neither directly nor via the News Groups, I understand that, before all, you are interested by pictures. So I envisage to abandon these captions, to give just type of aircraft or require from you an " Ident ? " for types of machines I cannot remember or find in my written archives. So the meaning of Gazette would be then Album. JMJ Lefebvre